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How much does BodyTite contouring cost?

How much does BodyTite contouring cost?The FDA-cleared BodyTite device is designed to remove fat and tighten the skin at the same time. This procedure is a radio frequency assisted lipolysis, or RFAL, which is performed in-office with the patient under local anesthesia.

The main goal of a committed surgeon will be to explain to the patient about the benefits, limitations, alternative treatment solutions and costs, and enable them to make an enlightened decision on BodyTite.

The patient should openly ask questions about the costs and other facets of the procedure. BodyTite body contouring is usually undertaken as an elective cosmetic surgery, which means that the patient will likely not receive insurance coverage for this procedure.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides BodyTite body contouring to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding communities.


Cost Comparison

BodyTite body contouring procedure is significantly more cost-effective than a cosmetic surgery procedure such as liposuction. A surgical procedure usually involves general anesthesia costs, surgeon’s fee, surgical venue costs, and some pre and post-operative expenses.

In comparison, BodyTite body contouring is an in-office procedure that can be carried out under local anesthesia. This will help the patient avoid costs associated with a surgical procedure.

Before making a decision on the procedure, the patient may compare the costs of BodyTite body contouring with other non-surgical procedures such as CoolSculpting or laser skin resurfacing. Each procedure has its own benefits and limitations as well as associated costs.

Some of these procedures may cost less than BodyTite body contouring treatment, but may not deliver the same results. Due to these factors, it is advisable for the patient to assess their budget, skin condition, and cosmetic objectives before making a final decision.


Treatment Extent

BodyTite body contouring treatment costs may sometimes vary slightly between two practices and even between two patients at the same practice depending on the extent of treatment that a specific patient requires. The treatment cost can be determined on the basis of the number of areas to be treated or on a per hour rate, based on the pricing policy of a practice.

In case the surface area to be treated is substantial involving multiple body sites, the costs of BodyTite body contouring may be proportionately higher. Some patients may need only subtle enhancements in a specific region involving minimal treatment.

Others may require periodic monitoring and follow-up treatments to attain their cosmetic goals. In each circumstance, the procedure costs may vary.


Cost Factors

BodyTite body contouring costs usually differ between practices and patients. The area where a particular practice is located also affects the costs. The cost of living and real estate costs are usually higher in prime urban centers compared to small interior towns.

This cost difference will also translate to the costs of products and services in various areas, including the cost of cosmetic procedures such as BodyTite body contouring. On top of this, the skill, qualification, and experience of the treatment provider will also affect the dollar amount of the treatment.



It is likely that the patient will have to pay out-of-pocket for an elective procedure such as BodyTite body contouring. But they may consider the various financing options available.

Many third-party professional medical care financing companies now offer specialized loans for cosmetic procedures. These loans feature quick approvals, lower interest rates, and convenient monthly installments of up to 60 months.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas for BodyTite body contouring.


To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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How much does BodyTite contouring cost?

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