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Breast Reconstruction Plastic Surgery Candidates

Breast Reconstruction Plastic Surgery Candidates


Model, not actual patient.

The decision to undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure should be well-thought out. In particular, a surgery such as breast reconstruction can encompass multiple procedures to be performed over many months. Therefore, potential breast reconstruction surgery candidates should carefully evaluate if the procedure is right for them. 

The breast reconstruction surgeon will guide the candidate in a comprehensive manner to enable them to make an informed choice. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides breast reconstruction surgery to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding communities across the landscape.

Suitable Candidates

A candidate for the breast reconstruction surgery is a woman who has lost one or both breasts due to breast cancer, and wants to restore her breast appearance. The candidate may choose to start the reconstructive process at the time of the mastectomy or later when she has recovered.

It is important for the patient to have realistic expectations from the cosmetic surgery. She should recognize that reconstruction cannot provide the same look and feel as a natural breast. However, despite the limitations, a breast reconstruction can provide the patient with long-term emotional and physical advantages.

Patients should also realize that not every woman who has had one or both breasts removed may be an ideal candidate for breast reconstruction surgery. The right candidate for breast reconstruction surgery will be a woman who:

  • Is interested in restoring the size and shape of one or both breasts
  • Has been declared free of cancerous tissue
  • Does not smoke or can quit smoking as per the surgeons instructions
  • Has endured the mastectomy surgery and breast cancer treatments well
  • Is not suffering from severe hypertension and diabetes
  • Has clear objectives and realistic expectations

Patients suffering from heart disease or diabetes may have a heightened risk during the breast reconstruction procedure, and may also be more susceptible to complications after the surgery.

Flap and Implant Reconstruction Candidates

Potential recipients of breast reconstruction surgery who decide on surgical techniques such as TRAM, latissimus, dorsi, gluteal, or DIEP flap methods should not have any underlying health complications that might affect their surgery. These surgical techniques include the removal of tissue from various sites on the body, and are typically more invasive than the implant reconstruction technique.

Flap reconstruction technique is often recommended for candidates who are undergoing unilateral breast reconstruction (restoring a single breast). The flap reconstruction method makes it easier to match the appearance and feel of the other natural breast when conducting tissue migration.

If the candidate is an older woman, implant reconstruction may be more beneficial because it is less invasive and requires less recovery time. Furthermore, women who do not have significant excess tissue available may also be better candidates for the implant reconstruction. The implant method is more advantageous to bilateral patients since it can effectively achieve symmetrical and impressive results.
Tremendous, kind, and board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and other cities and towns in this stellar and wonderful part of the country for breast reconstruction surgery and various other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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Breast Reconstruction Procedure Steps


Model, not actual patient.

Breast reconstruction surgery can be conducted using various techniques. The steps used in the cosmetic surgery will differ as per the technique chosen and whether the surgery is performed simultaneously with a mastectomy or later.

At the time of pre-op consultation, the surgeon will explain the procedure steps in order to educate and reassure the patient about what the surgery process will entail. Profound, righteous, and board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides breast reconstruction surgery to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding locations in the amazing Lone Star State.


General anesthesia is mostly preferred in breast reconstruction surgery as it is a significant procedure. The patient will not be conscious during the surgery and will not feel any pain or have recollection of the surgery later. The patient’s medical condition and history pertaining to drug allergies will be evaluated before she is deemed fit for anesthesia.


After the anesthesia, the surgeon will commence the reconstructive cosmetic surgery procedure by placing the incisions in a precise and discreet manner. The location and size of the incisions will depend on the type of surgical technique used.

Flap technique will need a higher number of incisions due to tissue relocation between areas being involved. The implant method will need fewer incisions. The time taken to recover and scarring will be affected by the size and number of incisions and the type of technique chosen.

Developing New Breast

The breast mound will be developed utilizing the implant or flap method as decided during the surgical planning phase.

Implant Reconstruction

This procedure will take place in various stages. Initially, a balloon expander will be placed beneath the skin and chest muscle to expand the area. Subsequently, liquid will be added to the expander over the next few weeks and months to stretch the skin appropriately to fit the implant size. When the skin has stretched adequately, saline or silicone implants will be placed.

In a few instances, both these steps can be executed together. Permanent skin expanders may be used as implants, as this would eliminate the requirement for the second stage of the procedure. The surgeon will determine the best treatment approach in close consultation with the patient.

Flap Reconstruction

This technique involves removing the excess tissue from a donor site and relocating it to the breast region. Blood vessels in the relocated tissue will be re-attached to new ones in the breast area. The new tissue will form the breast mound. An implant may additionally be placed in certain cases of flap reconstruction.

Bandages and Sutures

After the surgeon has developed a natural looking and symmetrical breast mound, the incisions will be closed using sutures and then dressed with bandages. The surgeon will offer detailed care instructions for the sutures and bandages to reduce the chances of developing an infection.

It is advisable to avoid strain in the incision areas for a period of about six weeks to facilitate a safe and quick recovery. If conventional sutures have been used, the surgeon will take these out in approximately a week to 10 days post-surgery.

Dignified, tremendous, and board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and other towns and cities in this part of the nation for breast reconstruction surgery and various other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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Breast Reconstruction Surgery Recovery

Breast reconstruction surgery is a major cosmetic surgery, and its post-operative recovery may involve both physical and emotional factors. The time taken for recovery is dependent on whether one or both the breasts have been reconstructed, and the kind of surgical technique that has used for the surgery. shutterstock_127105022

Terrific and profound board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides breast reconstruction to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding locations in The Lone Star State.

Time Taken for Recovery

In case the surgeon uses the flap method of reconstruction, the healing time will be longer as this technique encompasses healing in multiple sites. A patient typically recovers within six to eight weeks of the breast reconstruction procedure.

The recovery will be extended if another procedure such as nipple reconstruction is carried out in conjunction with the breast reconstruction. The healing time is also longer if some complications ensue after the cosmetic surgery. Patients should be willing to follow the surgeon’s instructions diligently for a fast and safe recovery. A majority of the patients can go back to their routine activities within two to three weeks.

Post-surgical Period

In the initial period after the surgery, the patient will experience soreness in the treated areas and get easily tired. Post-surgery, temporary drain tubes will be positioned under the breasts to remove excess fluid. The sutures and drains may be removed at one time in about one or two weeks.

The bruising and swelling will slowly decrease from the second week onwards while the temporary numbness and loss of sensation in the surgical site may linger on for some more time. The surgeon will prescribe pain meds to ensure that the patient remains comfortable in the initial recovery phase.

Post-Op Care

The surgeon will provide comprehensive instructions for care after the surgery, and the patient should be committed to following these instructions carefully. These may include:

  • Routine brief walks at home in the initial phase of the recovery to improve blood flow.
  • No rigorous activities, lifting heavy weights, high-intensity sports or sexual activity for approximately one month.
  • Ensuring that the incision site remains dry.
  • Ensuring frequent change of bandages.
  • Cleaning the wound area carefully to decrease the possibility of infection.
  • Massaging the skin and scars after the area has healed.
  • Avoiding under-wire bra and wearing a sports bra for several months as per the surgeon’s advice.


Depending on which surgical method is used, light scarring can occur in areas like the breast, nipples, navel, and in donor sites such as the abdomen, buttocks or back. Flap surgical technique will create more scarring. While the scars do fade over time, they do not become entirely invisible. The cosmetic advantages of breast reconstruction outweigh the shortcomings such as light scarring.

Recovering Emotionally

It is natural for a woman to need time to emotionally deal with the newly reconstructed breast. The patient should have realistic expectations and understand that the reconstructed breast will not feel similar to the natural breast.

With the passage of time, the appearance of the new breast will feel more normal. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas in the monumental state of Texas for breast reconstruction surgery.


To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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Breast Reconstruction Surgery Before and After Photos

Breast reconstruction cosmetic surgery is often more complex than other breast surgery procedures as it may involve multiple procedures over several months. At the time of initial consultation, the surgeon will educate the patient about breast reconstruction and help her make an informed choice. shutterstock_31017982

The surgeon may also show breast reconstruction surgery before and after photographs during the first appointment. Fantastic, honorable, and board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides breast reconstruction to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding communities in this prolific and supreme state.  

What are Breast Reconstruction Before and After Pictures?

Before and after pictures in case of breast reconstruction cosmetic surgery refer to a set of images belonging to a past patient who has undergone the same surgery with successful results. The set includes pictures taken prior to the procedure and after the procedure at a time when all the stages of treatment are over and full results of breast reconstruction are visible.

The surgeon will take care to ensure that the images are obtained with the proper consent of the patient and presented before new patients in an appropriate way. The patient’s identity may be kept undisclosed as per the established norm. The surgeon’s only intent behind this effort is to use these images as a visual aid to explain the effectiveness of breast reconstruction to new patients.


Breast reconstruction is a complex procedure, and the patient should consider all aspects before going ahead with it. Some patients may have concerns about how their restored breast may look like after the surgery, and whether this extended procedure is really helpful in meeting their needs and improving their body image.

Some patients may only require unilateral breast reconstruction, while others may need bilateral reconstruction. The surgeon may recommend flap technique or breast implants to perform the surgery. If the patient has access to breast reconstruction before and after photos, she will be better placed to make the right choices.

This is the age of transparency – well, at least in some circles and arenas. The plastic surgery industry is certainly an area where people want to know what to expect. Many of these surgeries are not mandatory but they are crucial nonetheless since self-esteem and quality of life matter.

The best surgeons and clinics in this industry show these pictures online because they want to share with the public their capabilities and the monumental difference they make in peoples’ lives. What gives them the opportunity and/or ability to do this is digital technology.

This technology has enabled these amazing pictures to be seen by anyone and from anywhere they can obtain Internet bandwidth. And we know that is pretty much anyplace – from someone’s couch to a tranquil coffee shop.

Keeping Reasonable Expectations

The patient should be aware that the results with breast reconstruction surgery may not be identical to the natural breasts that she originally had. Some differences in the appearance and feel are likely to be there. To ensure that the patient knows what the surgery can or cannot do for her, the surgeon can make use of breast reconstruction before and after photos.

A patient who has reasonable expectations will often achieve better personal satisfaction from the results. The risk of any disappointment occurring after the procedure is minimized with this effort. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas for breast reconstruction surgery and various other procedures.

Vivid Online Photos

The surgeon will usually have an option to upload breast reconstruction surgery before and after photos on their practice website for free access to new or established patients which Dr. Khan does with precision and patience. If the surgeon is active on social media, they may also consider disseminating the photos through social channels such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest for wider exposure.

With these fantastic pictures patients have so much more information to assess. Now when a patient signs up for one of these procedures, breast reconstruction surgery among them, they know what to expect. This means they will be more comfortable with their decision and less anxious. That is heartwarming for everyone.


To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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