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FAQs about the 24 Hour Recovery® Breast Augmentation

What does the 24 Hour Recovery mean?

24 Hour Recovery means that within 24 hours of undergoing the 24 Hour Recovery® Breast Augmentation, the majority of patients will be able to return to their normal activities (EXCEPT for those activities that we prohibit in your post operative period)

What activities are prohibited in the post-operative period?

We ask that you refrain from any strenuous activity (i.e. exercise), heavy lifting (>15-20 lbs), soaking of incisions in water (bathtub, swimming pool, hot tub, etc.), and dental work. Please note that we encourage you to SHOWER every day!

How can I get a 24 Hour Recovery when my friend who underwent breast augmentation couldn’t even raise her arms for a week after surgery?

The 24 Hour Recovery® Breast Augmentation is based upon several factors:

  • The High Five planning method, originally described by Dr. John B. Tebbetts, a world renowned breast aesthetic surgeon. This planning method uses 5 breast measurements to address 5 critical decisions in breast augmentation surgery, allowing us to choose the implant size that will fit YOUR breast pocket. So instead of us subjectively choosing an implant that we hope your tissues will conform to, we objectively choose an implant that will fit your tissues.
  • Having chosen your implant size prior to surgery, there is no need to use sizers and traumatize the breast tissues during surgery. The surgical dissection is meticulous and precise and completed under direct visualization using hand held electrocautery forceps (meaning no blunt or sharp dissection).
  • The anesthesia medications/IV fluids are optimized for the surgical dissection as well as your recovery.
  • No narcotics are prescribed once you go home. Ibuprofen is all you will need to help relieve the inflammation/soreness that you will feel from the implants pushing up against your chest muscles.
  • Arm exercises are key! We will instruct you to raise your arms above your head 10x every 30 minutes to help loosen the tight chest muscles.

Why doesn’t everyone just offer the 24 Hour Recovery® Breast Augmentation?

Plastic surgery is unique because there are several different solutions for the same problem, meaning there are dozens of ways of performing a breast augmentation. This method was created by Dr. Tebbetts to make the entire process based upon objectivity, instead of a patient’s or physician’s subjective opinion. When the implant fits the tissues (instead of forcing/hoping the tissues fit the implant), results are much more predictable and complications/revisions are less than the general breast augmentation population.

Will I have drains or will I be wrapped after surgery?

No, you will simply have steri strips, or little pieces of tape, on your incisions. Keep these in place until they fall off (typically takes about 2 weeks).

How long does it take for me to see my final results?

Just remember that 24 Hour Recovery DOES NOT mean 24 Hour healing! Initially, your implants will sit high but as the swelling resolves, the implants will settle into your breast pockets. By 6 weeks, majority of patients will see 80-
85% of their results with the last 15-20% of settling/healing occurring over the next several months. Final results will take a good 6 months to appreciate (although larger implants may take longer to fully settle).

Can I travel after my 24 Hour Recovery® Breast Augmentation?

Sure, a lot of our patients travel from out of state and out of country to undergo this procedure. Just make sure that you do not lift any heavy luggage (ask someone to place your overhead luggage in the compartment above you) and wear compression stockings!

Can I go back to work after my 24 Hour Recovery® Breast Augmentation?

Sure, a lot of our patients need to go back to work the next day. While we encourage you to take at least 24 hours for yourself, just remember that if your work requires heavy lifting or strenuous activity, you will need to take some time off. Conversely, if you can get your work duties modified to light activity, you should be good to go.

How often do I have to see you after my surgery?

We like to see you the day after surgery and then at the following intervals: 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months post op. Obviously, if you have any concerns, feel free to call our office at 469-4-DRKHAN to schedule additional follow ups.
Follow ups are at no charge and we’d rather see you in person so we can properly examine and evaluate you. If you are from out of town, we ask that you send us photos at 6 weeks and 6 months so we can monitor your progress. But again, if you have any concerns, please come see us for a follow up visit!

Where is my surgery performed?

The majority of our patients are operated on at our private, state of the art AAAASF (American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc.) certified surgical suite, located in the WillowBend area of West Plano. We have an all female staff dedicated to providing you the best possible experience!

How much does the surgery cost?

Feel free to call our office at 469-4-DRKHAN (469-437-5426) for additional information. Our office manager will be happy to give you average pricing, as well as information about financing via CareCredit or Prosper.