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Types of Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty): Reshaping The Nose’s Tip

Types of Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty): Reshaping The Nose’s Tip

Model, not actual patient.

If the nasal tip is overly defined or lacks definition, it may lack proper rotation. Rotation is the upward or downward turn of the nose tip. 

The cosmetic surgeon will alter the nasal tip through cartilage reshaping. They will pay close attention to the nasal base during this procedure as it influences rotation and tension.

What is Nose Tip Rhinoplasty?

Nasal tip rhinoplasty refers to any procedure performed on the lower third part of the nose. This is a complex procedure and necessitates a surgeon who is experienced and skilled in nose reshaping as well as one who has a deep understanding of the nasal anatomy and how the cartilage and other tissue impact the process of nose reshaping.

Besides being a cosmetic surgery procedure, nasal tip refinement may be medically necessary in certain cases. For example, the patient may suffer from breathing problems because of an abnormally shaped nasal tip either when they sleep or in their routine life. 

An abnormal nose tip may also cause sinus infections. At times, patients may suffer from speech impediments due to the abnormal shape of their nose tip.

Reasons to Undergo Tip Refinement

Patients seek nasal tip refinement for various reasons, whether individually or as an alternative to nose reshaping surgery. But it is typically performed to address a fuller or “bulbous” nasal tip.

Certain patients may consider the natural structure of their nose to be unattractive, for instance, patients with a sagging nose tip, “hooked” noses or upturned noses. Nasal tip refinement usually creates a slimming effect for the complete face.

Wide Tip Correction

A wide or bulbous nose usually develops due to the presence of large nasal domes that are spaced widely apart and thick nose skin. In many cases, a thick ligament or fat may divide the nasal domes. 

To correct this condition, the surgeon will reshape the soft tissue and move the domes closer. In addition, they may apply a graft on the nose tip itself for patients with a thicker skin to create better tip definition. In addition, the surgeon may trim away or modify the cartilage structure underneath the skin to create a narrower nasal tip. 

Less Invasive Procedure

In comparison to full rhinoplasty, nasal tip refinement surgery is much less invasive. The inner nose structure is significantly altered in a traditional nose reshaping surgery. The procedure may also involve fracturing bones leading to a prolonged recovery period. 

However, nasal tip refinement typically involves the placement of two to three incisions allowing the surgeon to access the cartilage in that site. After reshaping the nose, the surgeon will close the incisions.



To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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Types of Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty): Straightening The Bridge

The appearance of their nose is an area of concern for some men and women. The nose is often considered our most prominent facial characteristic. 

A flatter nose bridge, which is common in some African American and Asian patients, may create the illusion of wide-set eyes and cause anxiety for some. Cosmetic surgery can increase the height of the nose bridge and create the impression of a more refined and slightly longer nasal tip. 

Rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery can enhance a patient’s self-confidence significantly, by contouring the tip, bridge, or nostrils so that they are more harmonious with other facial features. In the hands of a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, rhinoplasty can offer beautiful outcomes in the creation of a high-bridged nose. 


Cosmetic Surgery to Achieve a High-Bridged Nose

Noses with a more prominent bridge, such as the Romanesque nose, usually look slimmer when seen from the front. But a high nasal bridge does not equate to universal beauty for every person. 

The nasal contours have to be harmonious with the shape of the eyes, chin, and the rest of the face. The ultimate goal of any rhinoplasty involving bridge augmentation is to develop a nose that blends seamlessly yet remains ethnically balanced with other features of the face. 

To raise or elevate the nasal bridge, the surgeon may use a continuous fragment of cartilage or an implant. Experienced nose surgeons often use autologous cartilage grafts, which is taken from the patient, to create a high nasal bridge. 

This may involve using rib cartilage that allows the surgeon to augment the bridge without the need to join multiple smaller grafts. The cartilage is meticulously reshaped to cover the full span of the bridge, improving the chances of a beautiful surgical outcome. 

Another alternative is nasal implants. In this case, the surgeon will use a biocompatible material that is individualized in length and width, depending on the patient’s anatomy. 

Some of the more cutting-edge nasal bridge implants are made of materials such as Goretex, which has been proven to be quite safe and rapidly stabilized by adjacent tissue. 

Surgeons will try to perform this procedure using the closed rhinoplasty technique in which the incisions are made inside the nose, causing no external scarring. In case open rhinoplasty is required, extreme care is exercised to make sure that the scars remain properly hidden.

Healing and Recovery Process

Similar to any facial cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty also involves some downtime for healing. A majority of patients are back at work or their routine activities within ten days of the procedure. 

By this time, most inflammation and bruising have diminished, but the patient can expect to see significant outcomes within three months of the procedure when the bulk of the residual swelling has resolved. 

The entire healing process for any type of rhinoplasty takes up to a year, though many small changes occur in the last few months that are not perceptible to most patients. 


To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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Types of Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty): Removing a Hump on The Nose

One of the most common issues that people want to be addressed during their rhinoplasty procedure is the removal of a hump from the bridge. Nasal humps can differ significantly in size. 

Some patients have a small bump that they would like refined while others may have more of a Roman nose with a more prominent and distracting hump. 

Rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery can reshape the nose regardless of where the nose falls on one of these extremes or somewhere in between. People considering a nose reshaping surgery to reduce a nasal hump should evaluate several things prior to proceeding with the procedure. 

How much bridge reduction do you want?

The decision on the level of reduction of the bridge hump is one of individual preferences and aesthetics. Certain individuals prefer a more concave, less protuberant bridge while others seek to maintain a straighter, or slightly full, profile line. 

Some patients may desire some bridge fullness post-surgery to maintain some family or ethnic characteristics, or simply as a matter of personal choice. In addition, one must consider the fact that men would want to maintain the masculinity of their nose. 

Irrespective of the above, it is vital for the patient to discuss the level of hump reduction that they seek with their surgeon. 

The surgeon should be able to undertake in-office digital morphing to simulate the reduction of the hump and offer the patient an idea of how their nose would appear with varying degrees of hump removal. 

Pre-operative digital morphing can be a starting point for the discussion between the surgeon and the patient regarding how low the nasal bridge should be. The face and its proportions must be taken into account when deciding this as the bridge must be in harmony with the overall facial framework. 

How well will the nasal skin re-drape after bump removal?

Another limitation in terms of hump reduction, or decreasing the overall size of the nose, is that the overlying skin must re-drape over the new, smaller nasal structure. The skin is not removed during the cosmetic surgery. However, the underlying skin elasticity will help it constrict around the new, smaller nose. 

Skin re-draping is associated with the problem of how much reduction to make when removing a hump. Patients with thick skin may not be able to achieve the level of nose size reduction that they desire, but some degree of hump removal should still be possible.

If the skin will not be able to properly shrink wrap around the new contours of the nose, the outcomes may be an amorphous blob of skin that would likely worsen the nose appearance. 

The surgeon must exercise judgment during the procedure to evaluate how a specific patient’s skin will accommodate this process of shrink wrap effect. 

In general, patients with thicker skin as well as younger patients will re-drape quite well while patients with thicker skin and those who are older may not be able to re-drape as vigorously. The risk involved is that the excess skin will create the appearance of a bulbous, ill-defined nose.


To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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