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How to Choose The Best Liposuction Plastic Surgeon in Dallas, TX

How to Choose The Best Liposuction Plastic Surgeon in Dallas, TX

The choice of a liposuction surgeon is a decision that will impact the patient’s life for a long time, if not their entire lifetime.

A liposuction body sculpting cosmetic surgery can develop an appealing neck appearance for patients who are unhappy with the look of their sagging neck area.

But this procedure can lead to undesirable results in the hands of a less qualified or inexperienced surgeon, which may lead to disappointment for the patient as well as extra money and time spent on revision surgery. For this reason, it is advisable for patients to work with a well-qualified and experienced liposuction surgeon.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides liposuction body sculpting to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding communities.

Selecting an ABPS Board Certified Surgeon

Ideally, patients should work with a cosmetic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). Surgeons with ABPS board certification would have received a minimum number of years of training in the field of cosmetic surgery after medical school.

Additionally, ABPS board certified surgeons must undergo a minimum of two years of plastic surgery residency training before they are eligible for this globally-recognized certification.

Comfort Level and Personal Rapport

It is important for the patient to closely observe how the surgeon and their staff make them feel. There are some associated risks with any surgical procedure. These risks may create challenges in the patient’s journey to achieve their desired aesthetic goals. Therefore, patients should work with a surgeon with whom they feel comfortable.

The patient should consider the following:

  • How does interacting with this cosmetic surgeon make me feel?
  • Do I find this plastic surgeon trustworthy and believe that they will recommend appropriate procedures to me?
  • Do I feel at-ease asking the surgeon questions and expressing doubts during the liposuction consultation process?
  • Will I be able to comfortably reveal my medical history and lifestyle habits to this liposuction surgeon?

Questions to Ask During the Consultation

The patient should create a list of all questions that they have prior to the consultation and take this list to their appointment with the liposuction surgeon.

  • Details on the qualifications and background of the plastic surgeon
  • Information on the surgical facility (ideally, the surgery should take place at a hospital, an accredited surgical suite, or a surgical center)
  • Emergency protocols
  • The experience of the surgeon in undertaking body sculpting and other plastic surgeries
  • The risks related to liposuction plastic surgery
  • Liposuction alternatives
  • Before and after images and testimonials of previous patients

In case the patient feels that the surgeon is not forthcoming and honest during their discussion, they should reconsider their choice of a plastic surgeon.

Focus on Customization and Innovation

Each person has a unique anatomy. Patients usually achieve the best results from liposuction cosmetic surgery when the plastic surgeon individualizes the procedure to their specific anatomical and cosmetic needs.

Plastic surgeons who use cutting-edge liposuction techniques usually offer their patients beautiful results in a minimally invasive and least painful way. Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas for liposuction body contouring.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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What should you expect during liposuction surgery recovery?

Liposuction cosmetic surgery involves a significant recovery process, including downtime of around one week. During the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will explain various facets of the procedure, including the estimated recovery duration.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides liposuction body sculpting to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding locations.

Initial Recovery Period

After liposuction, the recovery process may last for a few days. The duration of the recovery period will depend on the treated area and the type of liposuction technique used for the procedure.

Surgeons advise patients to wear compression garments for at least the first few weeks after liposuction for improved healing. After a few weeks, most patients will feel well enough to discontinue the use of their compression garments.

Some patients report pain after their liposuction surgery. This discomfort is typically mild, and pain drugs as well as gentle walks at home can help address it. Most patients can move and walk around normally within a week after their liposuction cosmetic surgery.

They can even resume work with negligible discomfort. In the initial few days after liposuction surgery, patients should take showers instead of baths. At this time, the swelling, bruising, and numbness will start to resolve.

In the first few days after tumescent liposuction, there will be drainage of anesthetic solution from the incisions. Such drainage is normal, and it improves the healing and reduces the recovery duration in liposuction patients. The surgeon may place drain tubes in the incision sites in the initial week to clear drainage.

Recovery in the Initial Few Weeks

The swelling will continue to resolve over several weeks after liposuction surgery. Once it settles, the results of the liposuction procedure become visible. If the treatment area is substantial, the recovery period will be more extended.

Apart from the swelling, the skin in the treated area may appear loose. However, it will become tighter after some time. The skin should return to normal in around six months. But this will depend on the level of skin elasticity, which is determined by age and genetics.

Liposuction patients should routinely examine their incision sites for indications of infection. They should schedule follow-up consultations with their plastic surgeon to evaluate the healing.

At times, excessive swelling can point to other risks or side-effects. This makes it vital for patients to engage with their surgeon to ensure that the healing is on-track and smooth.

Exercising after Liposuction

After liposuction surgery, patients should consult their surgeon for precise, individual guidelines on exercising before starting a workout regimen.

Many plastic surgeons ask patients to begin with a mild walking regimen within three to four days of their liposuction surgery. Gentle exercises prevent blood clot formation in the legs and other post-operative complications.

Patients can usually start to increase their level of activity within two weeks of their liposuction surgery. But they should not perform vigorous exercise for at least the first month after the procedure to allow the body to recover.


The full results of liposuction will become visible many months after the surgery. Some outcomes will be instantly obvious after the procedure. This surgery can eliminate up to ten pounds of fat. This creates visibly appealing body contours. The surgery is designed to enhance the body shape, and it is not a procedure meant for weight-loss.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas for liposuction body contouring.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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What are the steps of a liposuction procedure?

Model, not actual patient.

Today, liposuction ranks as the second most popular cosmetic surgery in the United States after breast augmentation.

Advanced surgical techniques have made it possible to undertake liposuction in a less invasive and more precise manner.

The surgeon may recommend a suitable liposuction technique to the patient, but the general steps in the liposuction procedure will largely remain the same.

At the time of the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will inform the patient about the various facets of liposuction, including the steps involved in the procedure. After the patient understands what the liposuction procedure involves, they will typically feel more reassured about it and make well-considered decisions.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides liposuction body sculpting to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding communities.


Administering the anesthesia will be the first step in the liposuction surgery procedure.

In case large amounts of fat need to be eliminated from multiple areas, or where liposuction is performed in combination with other cosmetic surgery procedures, the surgery may be undertaken using general anesthesia. In other cases, local anesthesia with light sedation will usually be sufficient for liposuction.

Tumescent liposuction is a common technique used for fat removal. This procedure only necessitates local anesthesia. In tumescent liposuction, the surgeon will place smaller incisions. This enables the patient to recover faster and reduces the risk of complications.

Incision Placement

After anesthesia, the surgeon will place incisions in inconspicuous locations within the targeted area. The incision size typically ranges between a quarter and a third of an inch.

The surgeon will aim to keep the incisions discreet within the natural creases of the skin or other inconspicuous locations to minimize any future scarring.

Fat Tissue Reduction

The surgeon will then insert a thin cannula into the deeper layers of fat through these incisions to break down stubborn fatty pockets.

They will gently manipulate this vacuum tube to disintegrate fat deposits and make their elimination less traumatic. After the fat tissue is broken down, the surgeon will use a syringe attached to the cannula’s outer end to suction out the fat.

Sometimes innovative techniques such as ultrasound, laser, or RF energy may be used at this stage to ensure that the fat removal is more targeted and less invasive. The patient will receive replacement fluids intravenously during and after the cosmetic surgery procedure to compensate for the blood and fluid loss.

Heat-Based Techniques   

At times, the surgeon may use cutting-edge heat-based techniques involving ultrasound, laser, or RF energy. This liquefies the undesirable fat cells without the need for traumatic physical manipulation and enables fat elimination in a less invasive manner. The patient will be given intravenous fluids to compensate for the loss of blood and bodily fluids during and after the surgery.

Closing the Incisions

After the surgery is complete, the surgeon will carefully seal the incisions with traditional or absorbable sutures. They may also place temporary drain tubes in the incision areas to collect excess fluid.

Initially, the incisions will be covered in bandages, and after a few days, these bandages may be replaced with a compression garment to support healing and firming up of the newly treated areas.

The drain tubes and sutures are typically removed in around seven to ten days. In the case of very small incisions, the surgeon may choose to let them remain open to attain the desired results with the least amount of inflammation and bruising.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas for liposuction body contouring.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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