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How to Prepare For Breast Surgery

How to Prepare For Breast SurgeryAdvance preparation is necessary for any invasive procedure such as breast cosmetic surgery. The patient must follow the surgeon’s instructions to be well-prepared for the procedure. Preparing in detail for the surgery will create a strong foundation for safe and predictable surgical outcomes.

The plastic surgeon will inform the patient on various aspects of the pre-op preparation during the consultation process. At the time of consultation, the patient should openly ask questions and express any concerns that she may have regarding the surgery.

Focused board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides breast surgery to patients in Dallas, Texas, and other suburbs and neighborhoods in this area of America.


Main Aspects of Preparation

In case the patient is over 40 years of age, the surgeon may order mammograms. They may also order chest radiographs and electrocardiogram (ECG) before the breast surgery.

In addition, the surgeon may ask the patient to make some changes in her lifestyle or offer weight benchmarks. The patient should be committed to following the surgeon’s guidelines to attain desirable outcomes and reduce the risk of complications.

Prior to the procedure, the surgeon may ask the patient to:

  • Avoid the use of aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory drugs, and specific herbal supplements that can cause bleeding.
  • Stop smoking for at least six weeks before the surgery to improve the chances of a quicker and better recovery process.
  • Stay well hydrated as it is important to remain hydrated both pre and post surgery.
  • Ensure alcohol consumption is at a minimum. Do not consume alcohol for at least 48 hours prior to the surgery.
  • Stock-up on nutritious food that is high-protein and low sodium such as vegetables, fruits, and pre-cooked meals. Also stock caffeine-free drinks and water prior to the procedure. In the recovery stage, do not take food and drinks containing salt.
  • Store essential items where they are easily accessible and not in low cabinets or overhead shelves. It is best to keep necessary items at the counter level as arm movement will be limited during the recovery period.
  • Arrange for aftercare for the entire recovery period as specified by the surgeon. This is important for a safe and comfortable recovery. In case the patient has kids below the age of five years, they should enlist someone to care for them for a week or two. In the initial two weeks after the breast surgery, the patient should not lift, drive, or do laundry.
  • Sleep in an elevated position at around an angle of 25 to 45 degrees for the initial postoperative duration or while significant swelling persists. The patient can use pillows with an inclined shape or sleep in a recliner.
  • Avoid saunas, hot showers, and hot tubs for two to three weeks after the surgery.
  • Choose loose-fitting, front-open clothing and slip-on footwear for the initial few days.


Transportation and Aftercare

Breast surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis. The patient should ask a responsible person to drive her back home after the surgery. In case the patient has small children to take care of, it is sagacious for her to arrange help for a few days.


Diet and Exercise

The patient should take a balanced diet and follow an exercise regimen prior to the surgery to prepare her body to cope with the procedure. Astute board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas in this awesome part of the nation for breast surgery.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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How to Prepare For Breast Surgery

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