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Are you a good candidate for liposuction?

Are you a good candidate for liposuction?At times, it can be difficult to eliminate stubborn fatty pockets on the flanks, abdomen, thighs, and other body areas, even with diet and exercise. These stubborn fatty pockets are usually resistant to natural treatment.

Liposuction cosmetic surgery is an effective body contouring solution to eliminate excess fat from various body areas.

During the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will evaluate whether the patient is a suitable candidate for liposuction surgery, and explain its advantages and limitations to them.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan provides liposuction body sculpting to patients in Dallas, Texas, and surrounding locations.


Suitable Candidates

An experienced surgeon will first establish the patient as a candidate for liposuction surgery. Ideal candidates for this procedure are in good overall health and weigh within 25 pounds of their optimal weight range.

They seek to eliminate fatty deposits that have been resistant to diet and exercise. People who are 18 years of age or older and meet the necessary medical criteria are ideal candidates for this procedure.

The following individuals may not be suitable candidates for liposuction:

  • Women who are pregnant or nursing
  • Individuals using blood thinners, unless they can stop the use of these drugs in the weeks ahead of the surgery
  • People with health issues that could impede the recovery process
  • Individuals with an allergy to lidocaine, which is used in the tumescent liposuction technique


Teenagers and Liposuction

A surgeon will approve a teen patient as a suitable candidate for liposuction only in rare cases. A teenager may be an appropriate candidate for liposuction if they have lost a large amount of weight that has left behind stubborn fatty deposits. In addition, the surgeon will make sure that the teen has the emotional maturity to cope with the procedure.

The surgeon may establish that only one problem area requires treatment to enhance the teen patient’s self-confidence. Some teenagers are unhappy about the existence of excess fat deposits in the hips, calves, under the chin, or other sites.

This may cause embarrassment for them among their peers. Liposuction cosmetic surgery may be an effective procedure for such patients as it can remove fat deposits in particular areas to develop a more contoured, toned appearance.


Adult Candidates

There is no upper age limit for patients seeking liposuction surgery. But this procedure involves certain risks, similar to any surgery.

The patient should be in good overall health to be able to withstand the anesthesia and surgery. Patients with serious medical conditions or those on certain medications may not be ideal candidates for liposuction surgery.

People considering liposuction should speak to their primary care doctor and plastic surgeon to understand if they are appropriate candidates for this procedure.

Liposuction can effectively eliminate fat, but it does not tighten sagging skin. For this reason, the presence of relatively elastic skin will typically lead to better surgical results. Older patients often have less elastic skin.


Health Issues

The presence of specific conditions may exclude some patients as suitable liposuction surgery candidates. Individuals with chronic problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes may not be appropriate candidates for liposuction.

People with a weakened immune system of those with lung disease, heart disease, or poor blood flow may not be suitable candidates for liposuction as it could lead to serious medical complications.

Board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas for liposuction body contouring.

To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic SurgeonDr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.

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Are you a good candidate for liposuction?

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