Model, not actual patient.
A woman may consider breast implant removal surgery at any stage after the breast augmentation plastic surgery due to cosmetic, emotional, or health reasons. When seeking a breast implant removal procedure, the woman should be in good health and not pregnant or nursing.
The accomplished Khan Plastic Surgery, led by judicious board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan, provides breast implant removal to patients in Dallas, Texas, and other neighborhoods and suburbs in this outstanding part of the nation.
Removal due to Incorrect Implants
The primary breast augmentation cosmetic surgery may not always create the outcomes that a patient desires. This may happen due to various reasons such as incorrect implant size, type, or shape.
Following the implant surgery (in a rare case) the woman may feel that she was happier with her natural breast shape, or that the new larger breasts are hindering her ability to perform certain activities.
Women with such issues may make suitable candidates for breast implant removal surgery. Sometimes the woman may not be satisfied with the size, type, or shape of her implants.
She may find the implants to be excessively large or too small, or the shape or profile may be unsuitable. In these types of cases, the woman may be an ideal candidate for breast implant removal surgery as well. After the implant removal, the patient may sometimes choose to get new, more desirable implants.
The FDA had approved silicone breast implants a few years after they approved saline implants. But today they are more popular than saline implants due to their superior touch and feel. Some patients may seek the removal of saline implants and the replacement of these with silicone implants.
Surgical Complications Leading to Removal
Sometimes a woman may experience complications associated with breast implants after their breast augmentation surgery. This may occur at any stage after the surgery.
In the hands of an experienced plastic surgeon, the risk of complications is significantly minimized. However, complications may still occur even many years after the primary procedure.
Capsular contracture happens when the scar tissue surrounding the implant become tighter. In such cases, the patient will need to undergo scar tissue or implant removal surgery.
They may also choose an implant replacement procedure after the removal. Implants may rupture, leak, or deflate due to natural wear and tear or defects in the implant.
A patient may experience implant rippling due to the thinning of the skin across the breast or hormonal changes. At times, the breast implant may move from their original position to create a lopsided appearance. These kinds of conditions may require the patient to undergo implant removal surgery.
Other Candidates for Implant Removal
Other considerations may make some women candidates for breast removal surgery. A cancer diagnosis may require a woman to undergo breast implant removal to be able to receive the cancer treatment more effectively. Changes in lifestyle or aesthetic preferences may also cause some women to seek breast implant removal surgery.
Cordial female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Farah Naz Khan receives patients from Dallas, Texas, and nearby areas across the landscape for breast implant removal.
To schedule a consultation with Board Certified Dallas Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Farah Khan please call 469-437-5426 or click here to contact us.